Rash's Surname Index

Notes for Ceylon Arthur LYMAN

He was a graduate of Williams College. He served overseas as a captain in the 151st Field Artillery. C. Arthur Lyman, 44, a special deputy, was killed during a violent trucking strike in Minneapolis. The December 6, 1934 edition of the Winona Republican Herald contains this AP item from Minneapolis:
Youth Indicted for killing in Strike
"The county grand jury yesterday returned an indictment charging first degree manslaughter against Philip Scott, 19, in connection with the death of C. Arthur Lyman, businessman acting as special policeman, who was killed during a clash in the truck drivers strike last May. A second indictment charged 'John Doe' with the same offense.
"Scott, who is held in the city jail, is
alleged to have confessed, according to authorities, that he struck Lyman..

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