Rash's Surname Index
Notes for George Field LONGSTRETH
George F. Longstreth went from Pennsylvania to Ohio in 1817, walking the entire distance, except when a farmer's wagon travelling his way gave him an occcasional ride. He arrived in Cincinnati when it was a small town, and from there went thirty miles north to the village of Clarksville, where his brother Jacob had already established his home. For several years he worked at his trade as carpenter. Soon after his marriage he moved to the farm which was his home for the rest of his life. It was situated in Warren County, near Fort Ancient, and not far from Lebanon. His first house was of logs, built in the thick woods; this was replaced by a large frame house, the same in which he died.
He was a man of marked energy and ability; although his educational opportunities had been limited, he was a fine mathematician, and in early days the teachers of the district school used often to call in his help when problems proved difficult. Having deep religious convictions, he was scrupulous in carrying them out; he always held to the faith of his birth, and his Friends' principles were a notable feature in his character. His sterling qualities gained the respect and trust of everyone. He had good business ability, and at his death was one of the most prominent, as well as one of the most prosperous, men in the county.
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