Rash's Surname Index
Notes for William Hobart HARE
HARE, William Hobart, first missionary bishop of South Dakota and 100th in succession in the American episcopate, was born in Princeton, N.J ., May 17, 1838; son of the Rev. George Emlen and Elizabeth Catherine (Hobart) Hare; grandson of Rt. Rev. John Henry Hobart, bishop of New York: and great grandson of the Rev. Thomas Bradbury Chandler. D.D., of colonial times. He was a student at the University of Pennsylvania in the class of 1858, but left at the close of his junior year, took up teaching and a course in the diocesan theological training school conducted by his father in Philadelphia, and was ordained deacon in the P.E. church in June 19. 1859, and priest, May 25, 1862. He was married in 1861 to Mary Amory, daughter of the Rt. Rev. Mark Anthony de Wolfe Howe. She died in 1866, leaving one child, a son, Dr. Hobart Amory Hare of Philadelphia. He was assistant at St. Luke's church, Philadelphia, and rector of St. Paul' s, Chestnut Hill, 1861-63; in charge of St. Luke's, Philadelphia, 1863-64; assistant and then rector of the church of the Ascension, Philadelphia, 1864-70; and secretary and general agent of the domestic and foreign mi ssionary society, 1870-72. The house of bishops elected him missionary bishop of Cape Palmas, W.A. in 1871, but the appointment was withdrawn at the request of the house of deputies that he might continue his work as the representative of the foreign missionary work at home. On All Saints' Day, Nov. 1, l872, the house of bishops elected him bishop of the Indian missionary jurisdiction of Niobrara, and he was consecrated, Jan. 9, 1873. His diocese was enlarged in 1883 and changed to embrace the southern part of Dakota, and he became known as the missionary bishop of South Dakota. In the year 1891 he made two trips to Japan on a special mission from the house of bishops, visiting also the mission in China. The see city of the missionary district was fixed at Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where he erected a cathedral and diocesan school. He received the honorary degree of D.D. from Trinity, Columbia, and Kenyon colleges in 1872.
- The Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans: Vol ume V
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