Rash's Surname Index
Notes for Benhart SPROED
Mr. Ben Sproed was born in North Branch, Minnesota, on October 19, 1894. He was the son of Carl and Anna Sproed. Carl Sproed was born in Germany in 1864 (grave stone has 1863) and emigrated to the United States when he was 14 years old. Anna Wall was born in Odessa, Russia in 1873, and emigrated to the United States, settling in South Dakota. Then she went to work for Carl Sproed's parents in North Branch. Carl and Anna were married in North Branch. They began farming and in 1898 moved to Sykeston, North Dakota. The couple had fourteen children, ten of whom are living. Five children were born in Milk River, Violet, Tom, Betty, Harry and Bill.
The Sproeds moved to Milk River in February, 1908. Ben worked for people on the farms around Milk River. he was member of the first band in Milk River. Ben had two years of school in Dakota and one year in Milk River. He attended the little school started by Miss Anne Tomfohr in her home.
Mr. Carl Sproed, Ben's father, bought land from the Kerr Land Co. It was southeast of Milk River on the river, Section 1-2-16. The children attened the Lind School. They continued living there until Mr. Sproed died in 1930. Mrs. Sproed lived there for some time afterwards, but later moved to Kelso, Wash., where she still resides.
In 1913 Ben filed on a homestead in Montana. He built a shack on it and then relinquished in to Elmer Coronet. In 1914 he filed on a homstead in 1-17, northwest quarter of 22. He proved up on it and then sold it to Mr. binges in 1922. Until 1930 (1931 on the gravestone) Ben rented the Richardson place and leased the southeast quarter section 4 in 2-17. Mrs. Sproed brought this land from the government after having it leased. They farm and raise cattle. Mrs. Sproed was Clestia Garret and was born in Parker, South Dakota, on October 12, 1900. Her parents, Anson Garrett and Sophia Bauer, were married in 1897 in South Dakota. They came to Milk River in March, 1911, anad shipped in settlers' effects.
Ben and Clestia were married in Coutts on November 5, 1917. They went to the homestead to live. They have one daughter Lyla who married Bert Smith, a son of Hubert and Esther Smith.
The Sproed farmstead has an attractive setting, nestled among the hills. Trees surroun the garden where Brooks sand cherry, Nanking cheery, raspberries, currants, gooseberries and strawberries are grown. The fruit trees are large apples, crab apples, pears and plums.
The coulees abound with saskatoon berries and chokecherries. They are always trying out new varieties of trees. The shelter belt includes, elm, ash, maples, Manchurian elm, mountain ash, several varieties of willow, Colorado blue and Koster spruce besides three other types of spruce.
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