Rash's Surname Index
Notes for Thomas BOURNE
Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 3
Bourne, Thomas,Calvert Co.,4th Aug., 1703; 5th July, 1704.
To wife Mary, extx., entire estate, including houses in White Beare Court, London, for maintenance of herself and son Jesse Jacob Bourne.
Sons Benjamin and Jesse Jacob Bourne to be exs. and legatees at decease of wife afsd. Testator desires to be buried by the Quakers of the city of London.
Test: N. Ortman, Wm. Leman, Wm. Thomas.
By memorandum attached to will testator confirms bequest to wife Mary of estate in Eng. and elsewhere, and also devises her his estate, "Eltonhead Manor", in Calvert Co., desiring her to conclude an agreement made between himself and his dau. Eliza Bourne, 8th Apr.,1704, and to release certain debts due him by the estate of Samuel Bourne, dec'd. 3. 251.
The Manor was patented to Edward Eltonhead, barrister of London, in 1649 and again in 1651. It lapsed to the Proprietary in 1658 and was sold by Charles Calvert in 1661 to Henry Sewall, who resold it to Samuel Groom, who resold it in 1664 to Samuel BOURNE, mariner. After that it remained indefinitely in the Bourne Family.
The manor contained 5,000 acres and ran from Drum Point to the other side of the county along the Patuxent River. Greater Eltonhead Manor would later become part of what are known today as Lusby, Drum Point, Cove Point, parts of the Solomons, and numerous other small towns that evolved from the original tract of land.
Eltonhead Manor, Little Cove Point Road, Little Cove Point, Calvert County, Maryland.
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