Rash's Surname Index

Notes for Samuel BOURNE

Bourne, Samuel,Patuxent R., Calvert Co.,16th May, 1693;
To Thomas Billingsley, Mary Poland, and to dau. –– Roberts, personalty.
To eld. son Samuel and male hrs., 2000 A., consisting of plantation by Drum Point and a part of "Great Eltonhead Manor."
To son Thomas and male hrs., 2000 A., part of "Great Eltonhead Manor" afsd.
To dau. Rebecca and male hrs., 1000 A., part of sd. Manor.
To wife Eliza:, 1/3 of personalty. Residue of estate to 3 child. afsd. equally.
Sons to be of age at 21 yrs., dau. at 18 yrs;
Overseers: Rich'd Johns, Francis Billingsley, Robt. Roberts.

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