Rash's Surname Index
Notes for John Dominic Kostka MUDD
ORC 6/30/17 2 lt Engr C; 1 lt Engr C 7/30/17, 7 Prov Regt CAC 7/11/17; 52 Arty CAC 10/1/17; 2 Bn Howitzer Regt 30 Arty Brig 4/1/18; Patient at Hosp AEF 4/25/18; Patient at 1 Embark Hosp; Patient at Walter Reed Gen Hosp D.C., Hon disch 12/4/19, Overseas 8/18/17 to 9/9/18, Def Sector (Lorraine), Wounded severely 4/25/18, French Croix de Guerre (Bronze Star) An orientation officer of an 8-inch howitzer battalion, zealous above all praise. He executed difficult topographical problems in two regions that were particularly bombarded by the enemy. Was seriously wounded in the course of one of these operations.
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