Rash's Surname Index

Notes for Hancock TAYLOR

unm., 1774; was a surveyor; went West, 1709, with his bro. Richard and others; was one of the first Americans to descend the Ohio. He continued to N. O., returning by sea to Va.; moved to Ky., 1773, and made the 1st survey of land in Ky., for Mr. McAfee, near Frankfort, July 16, 1773. He ascended the Ky. R., July 7, 1773. In 1774, while surveying land near the mouth of the Ky. R. for Col. Wm. Christian, he was shot by an Indian. Gibson Taylor and Abram Haptonstall tried to remove the ball with a small pocket knife but failed. As his party was fleeing the country under Dunmore's warning sent through Daniel Boone, the wound proved fatal and Taylor d. near the site of Richmond, Ky. He was buried on Taylor's Fork of Silver Creek, named for him. In 1803 Richard T. went to Ky. and marked the grave by a pile of stones and a headstone carved by a boy in that sectio
(Collins Ky., I., 526, 764.)

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