Rash's Surname Index
Notes for William LEA
On p. 7 of the pamphlet, Mrs. GRAVES has a section called JAMES LEA and WILLIAM LEA in VIRGINIA:
"The earliest records in Virginia of our JAMES and WILLIAM LEA, that are know to me, appear in the Spotsylvania County records: 'On Motion of WILLIAM LEA Orphan of JOHN LEA Deced to have Liberty to Choose ZACHARY TAYLOR his Guardian is granted, the said TAYLOR having Entered bond with THOMAS CHEW Gent his Security & acknowledged the same in Court as the Law directs.' [Spotsylvania County, VA, Order Book 2, p. 89, October 7, 1731]
'That WILLIAM LEA was fourteen years or older is indicated by his being allowed to choose his own guardian, and the fact that the Court appointed a guardian for his brother, JAMES LEA, indicates that JAMES LEA was less than fourteen years old.
"On page 86, Spotsylvania Co., VA Order Book 2, os the statement that ANN LEA, Relict of the said JOHN, had intermarried with THOMAS CREATHERS, and was since deceased.
"The proof that JAMES LEA and WILLIAM LEA, the subjects of this article, were the orphan sons of JOHN LEA and ANN LEA, both deceased by 1731, lies in the transfer of 100 acres in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, from THOMAS CRETHERS to WILLIAM LEA, a minor on October 5, 1731, and the subsequent sale of this property by WILLIAM LEA and wife, FRANCES, September, 1752, to THOMAS WHITE.
"A situation had developed in the lives of this family, which is revealed by the following: 'On petition of RICHARD SHACKELFORD & CATHERINE his Wife, Extx of GEORGE PRIDDY, Late of King & Queen County, Deced, &c to have THOMAS CREATHERS attached to give an account and Security for the Estate of JOHN LEA Late of King and Queen County, Deced, he having intermarried with ANN LEA Relict of the said JOHN & removed the said LEA's Deced Estate out of the County of King & Queen into this, and is ging out of the Country &c the said CREATHERS appearing and having proved that he has paid & Satisfied two of the saidf LEA's Deced Orphans & that he was ready to give Security for the payments of the Third. It is therefore Ordered that the said petition be Dismist With Costs, and that the said CREATHERS pay the said SHACKELFORD &c the same, and it is Likewise Considered that the Said CREATHERS (charge) the said Costs against the said Orphans Estate. November the Second 1731. [Ibid., p. 91]
"On October 4, 1731, an indenture was signed by THOMAS CRETHERS and ZACHARY TAYLOR, Guardian to WILLIAM LEA, covering "Deed of Lease for Land unto WILLIAM LEA and admitted to record at a Court held for Spotsylvania County, VA, on October 5, 1731, 100 acres. [Ibid., DB B, 1729-1734, pp. 227-31]
"This instrument covered the 100 acres of land sold by said WILLIAM LEA and wife FRANCES on Sept. 1, 1752 to THOMAS WHITE of Spots. Co., VA. THis land can be identified as being the same by its descriptions, there being only minor variations.
"The testimony of THOMAS CRETHERS, above cited, provides proof that there were at least three children of JOHN and ANN LEA. Some researchers have thought the wives of JOHN KEY and RICHARD SHACKELFORD were also children of JOHN and ANN LEA."
More later,
* Note: He came to America and Virginia about 1720 with his parents. Being over 14 years of age when they were orphaned by the death of their mother, they were allowed to choose their gurardian. At first he choose his step-father, Thomas CRETHERS. However, a month later, he changed his mind and choose Zachary TAYLOR, who was the grandfather of President Zachary TAYLOR. He moved to Orange Co., NC about 1752. His will was written abt. 1802.
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