Rash's Surname Index
Notes for William Cameron PACKER
William Cameron Packer, son of John B. Packer, was born in Sunbury May 1, 1852, and was identified with that borough throughout his life. He received his early education in the local public schools, later
attending the Wilkes-Barre Academy and the Bloomsburg State normal school, from which latter institution he was graduated in 1871. He then entered upon the study of law under his father's tuition, was admitted to the county bar Nov. 5, 1872, and settled in Sunbury for practice. Mr. Packer was a thorough student and exponent of the law, for which he had a natural predilection, and though a young man at the time of his death had long been conceded to be one of the ablest legal practitioners in
this section. His practice was large and responsible. Several years after his admission to the bar he was appointed solicitor for the Pennsylvania Railway Company in Northumberland county, and he retained that association until his death. He was connected with a number of important local business enterprises, being a director of the First National Bank of Sunbury, laid out the Cameron addition to Shamokin, this county, and took an important part in the public administration of Sunbury. In 1875 he became a member of the borough council, in which he continued to serve for several years, being assistant burgess in 1876-78, second burgess in 1879-80, and chief burgess from 1881 to 1883.
During this period, as a result of his efforts, the river embankment was constructed, protecting the town from damage by flood, and the borough debt was materially reduced and refunded at a lower rate of interest, thus saving the taxpayers considerable. Mr. Packer was a Republican in politics. He died June 4, 1886, at the early age of thirty-four. The following was written by one who knew him well: "Running through his life was a vein of generosity that formed one of his prominent characteristics. The poor, into whose home his bounteous hand carried comfort and assistance, are among those who will miss him most in the days to come. His friends are numbered by thousands, including all classes of society. To know him was to love him; and few there are who have had that pleasure who do not recall some kindly deed performed or some cheering word uttered in the hour of adversity. To the sick and afflicted he is endeared by ties which even death can not sever, for his goodness supplied many delicacies and attentions otherwise beyond their reach. In all relations of life he was the same - honorable, upright
manly and charitable."
In 1875 Mr. Packer married Jennie H. Houtz, who was born Dec. 9, 1852, daughter of Dr. Henry C. and Harriet (Boob) Houtz, of Alexandria, Pa. She died April 1, 1882, the mother of the following children Mary C., who is married to Harry C. Blue, of Northumberland, Pa.; John B.; born June 14, 1879, who was educated at Bucknell University and Yale Law School and is now in the lumber business in Philadelphia (he married Oct. 8, 1910, Mary C. Yorks, of Danville, Pa.); and W. Cameron. In 1884
Mr. Packer married (second) Laura A. Houtz, sister of his first wife. She survives him, as do all his children.
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