Rash's Surname Index

Notes for William LUDLOW

LUDLOW, William, soldier, was born at "Riverside", Islip, Long Island, N.Y., Nov. 27, 1843; son of William Handy and Frances Louisa (Nicoll) Ludlow . He was graduated at the U.S. Military academy and promoted 1st lieutenant in the corps of engineers, June 13, 1864. He served as chief engineer of the 20th army corps in the Georgia campaign, July to September, 1864. He had charge of the construction of defences at Rome, Ga., October and November, 1864, and was chief engineer of the army in Georgia from November, 1864, to March, 1865. He was brevetted captain, July 20, 1864, and major, Dec. 21, 1864, for meritorious services in the defence of Allatoona Pass. Ga., and in the campaign through Georgia. He was assistant engineer on the staff of General Sherman in the "March to the Sea" and through the Carolinas, and was engaged in [p.59] the battles of Averysboro and Bentonville, in the occupation of Goldsboro, and in the capture of Raleigh, N.C. He was brevetted lieutenant-colonel, U.S.A., March 13, 1865, for meritorious conduct in the campaign in the Carolinas; raised and commanded a company of engineers at Jefferson barracks, Mo., 1865-66; commanded the depot and company at Jefferson barracks, 1866-67; was promoted captain, March 7, 1867; served as assistant engineer under Major Gillmore, 1867-72; as chief engineer of the department of Dakota, 1872-76; as assistant engineer to Lieutenant-Colonel Kurtz, 1876-77; assistant engineer under Colonel Macomb, 1877-81; in charge of Delaware river and harbor improvements and works of defence, 1881-82, and was promoted major, June 30, 1882. He was engineer secretary of the lighthouse board, 1882-83; chief engineer of the Philadelphia water department by authority of congress, 1883-86; engineer commissioner of the District of Columbia, 1886-88; engineer of the 4th light-house district, March to December, 1888; in charge of river and harbor work in western Michigan and engineer of the 9th and 11th lighthouse districts, 1888-93; military attaché of the U.S. embassy at London, England, 1893-96, and president of U.S. Nicaragua canal commission in 1895. He was promoted lieutenant-colonel of the corps of engineers, Aug. 13, 1895, assigned to the command of the lighthouse depot and had charge of the river and harbor work of New York harbor. He was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers, May 4, 1898, and assigned to the staff of the commanding general as engineer-in-chief of the armies in the field, and on June 29, 1898, was assigned to the command of the 1st brigade, 2d division, 5th army corps, under General Shafter, and served in the Santiago campaign, where he was promoted major-general of volunteers, Sept. 7, 1898. He was made president of the board to establish the military transport service; then assigned to the command of a division with head-quarters at Columbus, Ga. He was appointed military governor of the city of Havana, Dec. 13, 1898, and on April 13, 1899, he was honorably discharged from the volunteer service, and the same day was commissioned brigadier-general, U.S. volunteers. He was promoted brigadier-general in the U.S. army, January 21, and vacated his commission as Lieutenant-colonel, corps of engineers, Jan. 29, 1900. He left Havana in February to become president of the board of officers appointed to consider the establishment of a war college for the army, and He visited France and Germany in the interests of this project. In April, 1901, he was ordered to the Philippines to command the department of the Visayas but was compelled to return immediately on sick-leave. He was married in 1866 to Genevieve A. Sprigg, of St. Louis, Mo. He was elected to membership in many scientific societies in America and abroad. He is the author of: Explorations of the Black Hills and Yellowstone Country; Report of the U.S. Nicaragua Canal Commission, and several annual and special reports. He died at Convent, N.J., Aug. 30, 1901.

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