Rash's Surname Index

Notes for Humphrey Ash FAIRLAMB

Mr. Humphrey Ash Fairlamb passed away in 1913. Mr. Fairlamb worked for the City of Chester for over 30 years as a building inspector.
Parents Joseph and Sidney Vernon Fairlamb.
Joseph and Sidney were married in 1814. Joseph and Sidney's children are Daughter Catharine Fairlamb, sons Henry V.,Frederick (M.Malvina), Charles (Mary C.), Isaiah H.(Sidney),Joseph (1.Sarah,2.Mary Strickland Fairlamb,Humphrey A.(Mary Ellen Madgin Fairlamb, Alfred (Lydia), Harrison (Elizabeth). Humphrey and Mary Ellen's children Nelson R., Oscar, , Frederick M., Mary.B., Maud (deceased), Alfred (deceased),. Grandchildren, Blanche, Walter Oscar (deceased), Humphrey Ash Fairlamb.

The funeral services were in charge of Rev. Francis M. Taitt rector of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church and were attended by relatives, friends and a number of the members of the several secret societies of which the deceased was a member. The body was reposed in a handsome walnut casket and was surrounded by a number of floral designs sent by relatives and organizations.

The pall bearers were R.L. Knott, Hiram Hathaway,Sr., Walter Jones, J.D. Oliver, John Cullis and James Fryer. Masonic services were conducted at the grave and were in change of by William Pullen. The following organizations of which the deceased was a member, were represented at the services: Lafayette Lodge No. 71, F. & A.M.: L.H.Scott Lodge No. 352: Commanandary, No. 66, K.T. Chester Royal Arch Chapter, No. 258, R. A. M.: Aurora Lodge, No. 465, I.O.O.F., and Upland Lodge, No. 253. I.O.O.F.

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