Rash's Surname Index

Notes for Calvin COLTON

COLTON, Calvin, author, was born in Longmeadow, Mass., Sept. 14, 1789; son of Maj. Luther and Thankful (Woolworth ) Colton; grandson of Capt. Simon and Abigail (Burt) Colton; great-grandson of John and Johanna (Wolcot) Colton; and great-great grandson of George Colton, who came from England and was one of the first settlers of Longmeadow, Mass. He was graduated at Yale in 1812, and at Andover theological seminary in 1815. He was ordained, July 1, 1817; was a home missionary in New York, 1817-20; pastor of the Presbyterian church at Leroy, N.Y., 1820-24; and of the church at Batavia, N.Y., 1825-26, and then, owing to a failure of his voice, he gave up preaching and devoted himself to literature. He travelled extensively in the United States, and in Europe 1831-35, as correspondent of the New York Observer. He received holy orders in the Protestant Episcopal church July 2, 1837, held the rectorship of the Church of the Messiah, 1837-38, and was editor of the True Whig, Washington, D. C., 1842-44. He was professor of political economy in Trinity college, Hartford, Conn., 1852-57. He received the degree of A.M. from Yale in 1813 and that of LL. D. from Hobart in 1832. Besides several books published in London, Eng., 1832-33, he published in America: Four Years in Great Britain (2 vols., 1835); Protestant Jesuitism (1836); A Voice from America to England (1839); The Crisis of Our Country (1840); Junius Tracts (1843-1844); The Rights of Labor (1844); Life and Times of Henry Clay (2 vols., 1846); The Genius and Mission of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States (1853); The Last Seven Years of the Life of Henry Clay (1856); and Public Economy for the United States (1856). He died at Savannah, Ga., March 13, 1857.

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