Rash's Surname Index

Notes for Joseph B. SCATCHARD

Joseph B. Scatchard was also a native of England, his birth occurring there in the year 1808 After obtaining a practical education in the common schools of his native county, Mr. Scatchard entered a woolen goods manufactory where he thoroughly acquired the trade in all its branches. In 1841,having decided that the new world offered better opportunities for a successful business career, he emigrated from his native land, and two years later his family set sail on the ship "Hibernia." He took tip his residence in Trenton, New jersey, engaged in the manufacturing business, but the same year decided to remove to Brandywine township, Chester county, Pennsylvania, where he entered an extensive woolen mill. He operated there until 1850 when he rented the Rhinehart Woolen Mills in East Coventry township, Chester county, which he conducted for three years. At the expiration of this period of time he located in Lower Merion township. Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, where he engaged in the same line of industry until 1855, when he purchased the Rhinehart Woolen Mills which he operated until 1865, when he purchased the Germantown Woolen Mills, and he remained proprietor of this plant tip to the time of his decease, which occurred in 1872.

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