Rash's Surname Index
Notes for William Henry PENROSE
PENROSE, William Henry, soldier, was born at Madison Barracks, Sacket Harbor, N.Y., March 10, 1832; son of Capt. James Wilkinson, 1808-1849 (U.S.A.) and Mary Ann (Hoffman) Penrose; grandson of Clement Biddle (1771-1820) and Ann Howard (Bingham) Penrose; great grandson of James (1737-1778) and Sarah (Biddle) Penrose; great2-grandson of Thomas (1709-1757) and Sarah (Coats) Penrose and great3-grandson [p.272] of Bartholomew (the emigrant from Cornwall, England, about 1700, ship-builder in Philadelphia) and Hester (Leech) Penrose. He attended Dickinson college, Pa., in 1849, and engaged in business as a civil and mechanical engineer in Michigan. He was commissioned 2d lieutenant in the 3d U.S. infantry, April 13, 1861, and was promoted 1st lieutenant, May 14, 1861. He was appointed colonel of the 15th New Jersey volunteers, April 18, 1863, and commanded the 1st brigade, 1st division, 6th corps from the afternoon of the first day's fight at Chancellorsville (2d Fredericksburg) until three days before the fight at Gettysburg, when Gen. A. T.
A. Torbert, absent by reason of wounds received at Crampton's Gap Sept. 14, 1862, returned. He commanded the regiment at Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863; in Grant's campaign against Richmond early in 1864, and again commanded the 1st brigade, 1st division, 6th army corps at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864; and through the overland campaign, having been placed in command without regard to rank, being the junior of four colonels, while engaged on the battlefield in front of Spottsylvania Court House; continuing in command through the Shenandoah valley under Sheridan, and being wounded at Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 1864. He was brevetted captain, May 3, 1863, for Marye's Heights, Va., and major,
July 2, 1863, for Gettysburg; promoted captain, Sept. 11, 1863; brevetted lieutenant-colonel, May 5, 1864, for the Wilderness, Va., colonel, Oct. 19, 1864, for Cedar Creek, Va., brigadier-general of volunteers, Oct. 19, 1864, for Middletown, Va., and brigadier-general U.S.A., April 9, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war. He was promoted brigadier-general of volunteers, June 27, 1865, and was honorably mustered out of the volunteer service Jan. 15, 1866. He was promoted major of the 12th infantry, May 31, 1883; lieutenant-colonel of the 16th infantry, Aug. 21, 1888, and colonel of the 20th infantry, Nov. 28, 1893. He was transferred to the 16th infantry, Sept. 15, 1894, and was retired, March 10, 1896, by operation of law. He invented a set of infantry equipments recommended for use in the army by a board of officers. In 1903 he was residing at Salt Lake City, Utah, where he conducted a mining bureau of information.
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