Rash's Surname Index
Notes for Levi Hoag ATWATER
Levi Hoag, son of Mead, m. Aug. 29, 1844, Mary Matilda Crane, dau. of Silas and Beulah Crane. They settled at Lockport, N. Y., where they lived several years, then on a farm in Somerset, N. Y., where his wife died Feb. 2, 1872. She was a woman of rare ability in ordering her household, and especially gifted as a Christian mother in rearing her numerous family. After her death he sold his farm and went to Colora, Md., where he resided with a daughter, Mrs. Sarah Balderston until his death April 9th, 1890. His life was marked by strong convictions and high ideals, was interested in temperance and education, and was a lifelong member of the Society of Friends. The lines of the poet Whittier are especially applicable to him:
The Quaker of the olden time,
How calm and firm and true;
Unspotted by its wrong and crime,
He walked the dark earth thro.
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