Rash's Surname Index

Notes for Charles Lukens DAVIS

Charles Lukens Davis of Pennsylvania
Appointed from Delaware, Private, Independent Company, Pennsylvania Artillery, 24 April to 5 August 1861
Second Lieutenant, 31st Pennsylvania Infantry, 20 August 1861
First Lieutenant, 1 September 1861
Transferred to 82nd Pennsylvania Infantry, 1 September 1861
Captain, 4 February 1863
Honorably mustered out 19 June 1863
Captain, Signal Corps, 3 March 1863
Brevetted Major, Volunteers, 9 March 1865 for gallant and meritorious service during the recent operations resulting in the fall of Richmond, Virginia and the surrender of the insurgent army under General R. E. Lee
Honorably mustered our 18 August 1865
Second Lieutenant and First Lieutenant, 10th U. S. Infantry, 23 February 1866
Captain 20 March 1879
Major, 6th U. S. Infantry, 26 April 1898
Transferred to to 11th Infantry, 20 September 1900
Colonel, 5th Infantry, 11 July 1901
Brigadier General, 26 January 1903
Brevetted Captain, 2 March 2867 for gallant and meritorious service in the campaign from the Rapidan to the James
Brevetted Major, 2 March 1867 for gallant and meritorious service in the siege of Petersburg, Virginia
Retired, 10 February 1903

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