Rash's Surname Index
Notes for James Edward TATNALL
Son of William Tatnall and Rachel Burgess Moon Tatnall, M.D. Married Edith Anna Comfort. Five children.
Retired Steel Man Dies In Orlando, Fla -- In Ill Health For Years
Word reached this city today of the death in Orlando, Fla., on Saturday, of James E. Tatnall of Haverford. Mr. Tatnall was an expert open-hearth steel manufacturer. He retired several years ago on account of ill health.
Mr. and Mrs. Tatnall went to Florida shortly before Christmas. Soon after he had a severe heart attack from which he never recovered. Mr. Tatnall was born in Wilmington, Del., sixty-eight years ago. He is survived by his widow, who was Miss Edith A. Comfort; a son, Edward C. Tatnall, who was married last October to Miss Eleanor B. Austin, and a daughter, Mrs. Samuel J. Gummere of Minneapolis. James E. Tatnall was a brother of Henry Tatnall of Bryn Mawr, a vice-president of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
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