Rash's Surname Index
Notes for Richard LLOYD
Richard Lloyd, the father of Hugh, the Revolutionary patriot before referred to, was the youngest son of Robert and Lowry (Jones) Lloyd, and was born near Bryn Mawr, Chester county, Pennsylvania, March 18, 1713. He married at Darby Meeting, November 24, 1736, Hannah (born Feb. 10, 1717) daughter of Samuel
and Sarah (Smith) Sellers of the prominent Sellers family of Darby Mills and "Sellers Hall," and a few years later purchased the Darby water, corn and grist mills, which he operated until his death August 9, 1735.
Isaac and Hugh Lloyd the two surviving sons of Richard and Hannah (Sellers) Lloyd, were both prominent in the affairs of Chester county during the Revolution. The former, born in 1739, operated the Darby mills during that period and later removed to Philadelphia, where he died, August 10, 1793. He married Ann Gibbons, of the prominent Chester county family of that name and has left numerous descendants.
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