Rash's Surname Index

Notes for Isaac INGRAM

Pennsylvania Wills, 1682-1834

INGRAM, ISAAC. Late of Gaston and Surrey. Yeoman.
July 26, 1682. ---. A. 11.
Estate to Adam, Miriam and Anne Short, children of his deceased sister
Miriam Short, and to the poor of the Quakers. Legacies to Jane
Batchelor, Thomas Fitzwater, David Ogden, John Songhurst, Thomas Wynne,
friend Ambrose Rigge of Galton, Surry Co. Signed with his mark on
board the Welcome, Robert Greenaway, master, bound for Pennsylvania.
Executors: John Songhurst and Thomas Wynne.
Witnesses: Richard Ingels, Zechariah Whitpaine, George Thompson.

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