Rash's Surname Index
Notes for Jacob WAY
General Howe had his headquarters in Jacob's home.
Jacob Way. Pennsbury. 6/21/1776. Jan. 28, 1777. To son Joseph plantation in Pennsbury on which I now dwell containing about 150 acres, he allowing to wife Mary the privileges mentioned in certain Articles of agreement Tripartite 13th of 6th no. 1767 between us before our marriage. To son John 20 shillings and to his son Jacob the 2 vols. of Anthony Pervers translation of the Bible. To son-in-law Jesse Taylor and wife Ann 20 shillings. To son-in-law John Bennett and wife Ruth 20 shillings. To son-in-law John Hawk and wife Sarah 20 shillings. To son James £30. To son-in-law Thomas Harry and wife Rachel 20 shillings. To son-in-law Stephen Hayes and Betty his wife lott of ground in Borough of Wilmington containing 2 acres. To daughter Hannah £70. To granddaughter Mary Logan ½ of my marsh meadow on Christiana Creek, also 20 shillings and to her mother Jane Logan 20 shillings. To son Amos 5 shillings. To son-in-law John Holahan and wife Phebe £70. To granddaughter Hannah Hayes ¼ of marsh meadow. To granddaughter Ann daughter of son James ¼ of marsh meadow. Remainder divided among daughters, share of daughter Sarah in trust. Executor: Son Joseph.
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