Rash's Surname Index

Notes for David LENOX

DAVID LENOX, who served as an officer in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War and later became president of the First Bank of the
United States in Philadelphia. Lenox, nephew of JOHN LUKENS, SURVEYOR GENERAL OF PENNSYLVANIA, also played a key role in the Whisky Rebellion. The Lenox residence is located in the historic district of Philadelphia at 710 Radcliffe St.

MAJOR DAVID LENOX, born --; died April 10, 1828; commissioned Captain 3d
Battalion Pennsylvania Militia, Colonels Shea and Cadwallader, January 5, 1776. Was
in Fort Washington when it was captured, November 16, 1776. Detached with a part
of his Battalion to oppose the landing of the Hessians, 42d Regiment, his command
fought with great valor, killing and wounding upwards of 90 of the enemy, with small
loss to his own troops. Was taken prisoner and held 18 months, exchanged April 20,
1778. He tells the rest of his military service in his letter, April, 1786, to the Executive
Council. (Pa. Arch., X. 754.)

"I was taken Prisoner the 16th Nov. 1776 and Exchanged the 2d April 1778, but was
not released till the 15th May. I then joined the Army at Valley Forge, but found that
I could not get the Rank to which I was entitled; however having every wish to continue
in the Service, I joined General Wayne's Family, & continued the whole Campaign.
The Committee of Congress, consisting of General Read from this State, and
Colonel Bannister from Virginia, together with the Commanding Officer of each Line,
met at the White Plains in August 1778, to ascertain the Rank of the Army. They
wishing to do me all the Justice in their power, fixed my Rank, Vizt, a Majority from
the 7th June 1777: but the situation of the Army did not admit of my getting the Command
to which I was entitled(???)this is Certified by General Wayne, who was then the
Commanding Officer of the Pennsya Line. The Comptroller General has settled with
me to the 20th April 1778: but as I could not get my Command, I left the Army after
the Campaign of 1778 & think it a hardship to be deprived of my Pay &c, after that
time. I refer to General Wayne's Certificate for the facts set forth. D. L."

Indorsed, "1786 April 3." (Pa. Arch., X. 754. See letter of like import, September 5,
1786, Pa. Arch., XI. 55.)

Major Lenox entered Philadelphia City Troop March, 1777; served as private in
the campaign of August, 1777-9, and 1780 and 1781 in New Jersey; was First Lieutenant
1794-1796; Honorary Member October 24, 1796; appointed Marshal U.S Admiralty
Court September 26, 1793, serving until May 18, 1795. His participation in the defence
of Fort Wilson will be found in the various accounts of the riot. He was also one of
the Marshals of the Grand Federal Procession July 4, 1788; Member Committee of Correspondence
appointed after the Chesapeake outrage 1807; was selected by Girard, one
of the Trustees of the Girard Bank, May 23, 1812, and continued until his death. He
was also, 1813, one of the Committee of Superintendence for the Protection of the River
Delaware and Philadelphia; President Philadelphia Bank 1813-1818; and a member of
the State Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsylvania.

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