Rash's Surname Index
Notes for John Barnard PHILLIPS
John B. Phillips settled in St. Paul, Minn., in 1857, where he was a practising
physician and also occupied an important post of trust and honor, being
appointed on the "State Board of Examining Pension Surgeons," also filling the
responsible position of "Commissioner of Statistics." In the pursuit of liberal
education, he early exhibited an eager love of learning, both in literature and
science, and more especially an enthusiastic and discriminating taste for music,
and poetry and other kindred fine arts. In 1851 he entered the University of
Pennsylvania and graduated in 1855. In the meantime he spent two years in
Europe, studying in Heidelberg, Paris and Vienna. Dr. Phillips possessed
qualities of high order, which with the geniality of his nature and comprehensive
knowledge acquired through years of assiduous research won for him the
confidence and unfeigned esteem of many friends.
Note: Compiled principally from obituary notices in leading Western journals.
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