Rash's Surname Index

Notes for Daniel STUBBS

Daniel and Ruth settled in Concord and remained there for five years, then purchased the homestead from his father, as shown by deed dated March 27th, 1756, whence he removed to Little Britain (now Fulton) Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, about 1767 (the records of Bradford Monthly Meeting show certificate to Daniel, wife and children to Nottingham Meeting First Month 15th, 1768, and deed dated Ninth Month 10th, 1767, shows that Daniel purchased 378 acres in Little Britain Township)." [Stubbs 1904 Anniversary Meeting, p 11]
This tract was later subdivided into smaller farms owned by later generations of the Stubbs family. The homestead farm upon which the Stubbs Mansion stands was 163 acres. The farm to the east, upon which stood the house occupied by Daniel Stubbs and Ruth Gilpin is about the same size. It was later owned by Daniel and Ruth's son, Daniel, and later his son Joseph C. Stubbs. [Stubbs 1904 Anniversary Meeting, p 4]

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