Rash's Surname Index

Notes for Martha CONNAR

The present day Broomell also has another heirloom, a silver butter knife which belonged to Mrs. Daniel Broomell, mother of the Civil War Soldier, and it too has a story to tell.
Those Broomells lived on a farm on Cashtown Road several miles outside of Gettysburg. On the morning of July 1, 1863, they heard the first shots fired in the Battle of Gettysburg only a few hundred yards down the road from their home.
This volley came from some of the men... Buford's Union Cavalry who had run into advance units of the infantry brigade of Confederate Gen. James J. Archer of Havre de Grace Md., who were on their way to Gettysburg for a supply of shoes.
The retreating cavalrymen yelled to the Broomells to get out fast because the rebels were right in back of them. While Daniel Broomell harnessed the horse he shoulted to his wife to gather up their most valuable posessions. She ran out of the house and climbed into the wagon and they raced down the road just as the Confederates came into sight.
When they reached safety Mr. Broomell was highly indignant to find that all his wife had brought with her was her cherished set of sterling silver. That could be of little use to them unless Mrs. Broomell sold it and she vowed she never would.
The silver became a long standing legend in the family and each member sought a piece in later years, so George Broomell is proud to posess the butter knife.
When the Broomells returned to their farm after the battle they found that it, unlike the homes in Virginia, had not been burnt ...all the livestock and poultry were gone the fence rails had ended up like ...Virginia in camp fires. They were able to recover, however, in a relatively short time and lived to a ripe old age.

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