Rash's Surname Index
Notes for Sarah Ann DUBELL
1. The following is a transcription of her obituary, taken from "The Bloomington Record," dated Thursday, May _, 1899.
Miss Sarah Ann Dubel was born in Gloucester County, New Jersey, Dec. 6th, 1814. She was married to Mr. Pennock Feb. 22, 1839 [marriage record says 23 FEB 1840] in Albany, Ohio, and came to Wisconsin in 1853, settling with her husband in Millville of this county.
Mrs. Pennock departed this life after forty-four years of widowhood,on April 28, 1899. She was the mother of seven children--three sons and four daughters.
At the death of her husband, a great burden fell upon her in caring for her family, with very limited means. The battle was often severe,but she patiently endured and suceeded. Most heroic faith and fortitude characterized these years of burden bearing, and the reward in part was received as the years rolled by. All the seven children are living and were all here at this service but two.
Mrs. Pennock was a woman of even and pleasant temper, patiently bearing her trials, enduring her burdens with an abiding faith in her Lord and Master. She gave her heart to Christ in early life and has ever since trusted in her Redeemer. Her faith grew stronger and brighter as the years rolled on. She was baptized into the Campbellite church in Ohio when yet a girl.
At Millville, she became a member of the Methodist church, and on coming to Bloomington she united with the Baptist church, and has ever since been a loved and respected member. She was an even tempered,humble, patient, and unassuming disciple of Jesus Christ. She restsfrom her labors, with her beloved Lord and Master. "It is well."
Services were held at the home of Mrs. James Ballantine [her daughter],conducted by the pastor, S. E. Sweet.
Beautifully expressive of the mind of the deceased is the followingselection.
Beyond the smiling and the weeping I shall be soon;
Beyond the waking and the sleeping,
Beyond the sowing and the reaping I shall be soon.
Love, rest and home! Sweet hope!
Lord, tarry not, but come.
The flowers were beautiful and abundant, and the singing excellentby Mr. and Mrs. Woodhouse, and Mrs. Glasier at the organ.
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