Rash's Surname Index
Notes for Agnes CHILDRE
As a child, she was captured with her sister by the Creek Indians and raised as an Indian, only to escape as a teenager and return to the Quakers. Lucinda Bundy Hanson, a daughter of Chalkley and Sarah Bundy, relates the following:
"Stolen By the Indians"
"My great-grandmother, Agnes Childrey Hodgin, I think, was born in Georgia. When a little girl of five years old, she, with her sister, who was seven years of age, went in search of the cow. They did not return. After a long search their parents gave them up for lost, thinking some wild beast or the Indians had killed them. But the Indians had only stolen them and carried them off to their camp. A council was held by the Indians to consider what to do with the girls and the old chief decided to adopt them as his own. The
Indians took good care of them, so far as Indian care goes, and kept them fifteen years.
The sisters knew they were not Indians and, as they grew older, they became dissatisfied and longed for their own people, so they planned to run away and try to find their family. For days the girls wandered in the woods, living on berries and roots, until they came to a white settlement. Here no one knew them nor did they know any one. They did not even know their names, only the names the Indians called them. The white people in the settlement took them in their homes and did all they could to help them find their own people. The older sister, a few days after they reached the settlement, died, no doubt from exposure in the woods. Agnes finally found her relatives, but not until after her mother's death. Agnes married William Hodgin and moved to Ohio, where in 1811, he build the brick house in which I was born. Joel and Rebecca (Hodgin) Doudna my grandparents and Chalkley and Sarah (Doudna) Bundy my parents. I have grandchildren now and am writing this so they may know and member a little of history of one of their relatives.
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