Rash's Surname Index
Notes for Thomas COOK
8-31-1730: "Londongrove Preparative Meeting informs also yt Alexander
Underwood's Daughter is with Childe by Thomas Cooke."
9-28-1730: "Wm. Swaine gives account yt he and Thos. Speakman was with
Thos. Cooke and Alexander Underwood's Daughter and yt they seem sorry for
what they have done and this meeting is informed that they are marryed."
10-26-1730: "Joseph Pennock reports that he and William Swaine were with
Thomas Cooke and wife and he appeared here with acknowledgement: Joseph
Pennock to see it read at Londongrove."
12-27-1730/31: "The Women's meeting have sent in a paper to this meeting
from under ye hand of Mary Cooke, condemning her evil actions. William
Swaine to read at London Grove."
Thus Thomas and Mary were probably married in 9th Mo. or July 1730.
Return to The Pennocks of Primitive Hall website.
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