Rash's Surname Index
Notes for Thomas DUTTON
Dutton, Thomas. Aston. 10/9/1731. January 10, 1731/2. A.343. To son Richard house and tract of land on which I live in Aston containing 200 acres paying to son John £15 at 21 and to my daughters Lydia, Mary and Sarah Dutton £15 each at 18. To son David my tract of land in Middletown purchased of Aaron Coppock, containing about 50 acres. To son Jonathan my tract of land in Aston purchased of Aaron Coppock lat John Neelds containing 50 acres. To son John when 21. To children Richard, David, Jonathan, John, Lydia, Mary and Sarah all remainder of estate in equal shares. Executors: friends Thomas Banet of Aston, Wm. Pennell of Middletown.
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