Rash's Surname Index
Notes for Samuel III SELLERS
They removed from Darby to West Bradford, now Pocopson, soon after marriage. This to a four-hundred acre farm near the Brandywine. The records of their children are taken from the minutes of the Bradford Monthly Meeting. Will proved 1-14-1786 No. 3756 Vol 8, p. 25 and from records of Charles Coleman Sellers, Secretary of Sellers' Association.
Sellers, Samuel. W. Bradford. 12-26-1785. Jan. 14, 1786. Provides for wife Jane. To 2 sons Samuel and Jonathan all my land in W. Bradford, containing 200 acres. Remainder at wife's decease to 4 daughters, Hannah Peirce, Sarah Wickersham, Mary Trimble and Ann Taylor. Executor: Son Samuel.
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