Rash's Surname Index
Notes for Isaac Burrow TROUT
Lancaster Daily Intelligencer, Lancaster, Pa., Monday January 22, 1900, p. 4
He Was a Railroad Employe For Over Forty Years.
Isaac B. Trout, of Paradise, died at his home in that place on Sunday afternoon shortly after two o'clock. He had been sick from pneumonia for a long time past, and died on his sixty-fourth birthday. He was an old employe of the Pennsylvania Railroad company, having been in its service for thirty-four years. For the past eleven years he had been a track walker. His brother, Nathaniel, was serving in his stead, when he was killed by the cars at Leaman Place on Christmas night. The deceased leaves a wife and the following children: Bella, wife of John D. May, Paradise; Ida, wife of Abraham Myers, New Holland; Harry C., Columbia; Ella, widow of Miller Groff, Lancaster; Susan, wife of E. L. Garrett, Christiana; Eva, wife of A. K. Stark, Lancaster; Lizzie, wife of William Diffenderfer, Paradise; Isaac and John, who are serving in the United States marine service, and are now at the Cavito navy yard in the Philippines.
Research by Don E. Trout
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