Rash's Surname Index
Notes for Hollan Garret MALIN
Daily Local News, West Chester, Chester Co., Pa
July 3, 1880, MALIN - In West Chester on Tuesday evening July 1st, Hollan G. Malin died in the 70th year of his age.
Ibid: July 5, 1880, the Paoli Lodge, L.O.O.F will attend the funeral of Hollan G. Malin, which takes place on Tuesday afternoon from his place of residence in this borough. The deceased was formerly a citizen of Tredyffrin township and a member of this lodge.
Ibid: July 7, 1880, The Funeral of Hollan G. malin took place yesterday afternoon from his late residence on South Walnut Street. His funeral was attended by a large number of sorrowing friends, as well as by the members of Paoli Lodge 200, who officiated at the grave.
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