Rash's Surname Index
Notes for Allen Henry EHRGOOD
23 Jul 1951: A. Harry Ehrgood was born November 21, 1889, in the City of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, the son of Allen Walborn Ehrgood and Annie Schantz Ehrgood. He attended the Lebanon City schools and graduated from Lebanon High School in 1907. In 1911 he graduated from Amherst College, Amherst, Mass., with an AB degree and in 1914 graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Law School with an LLB degree. He was admitted to the Bar of Lebanon County on October 5, 1914, and to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in January, 1915. In 1917 he formed a law partnership with the late Senator Clarence D. Becker which lasted until his election to the Bench of Lebanon County in 1941. He served as District Attorney of Lebanon County from 1922 to 1926; County Solicitor from 1928 to 1932, and 1936 to 1941; City Solicitor of Lebanon from January from 1933 to 1936; and Judge of Lebanon County from January, 1942, to date. On July 20, 1914, he married the late Katherine Reinoehl Witmeyer, by whom he had three sons, A.H. Ehrgood, Jr., Peter W. Ehrgood and Thomas A. Ehrgood. He has six grandchildren. One of his ancestors, Bernhard Ranhert, married to Elizabeth Kramer, came to America on November 1, 1763. Some of Ranhert's descendants settled in the Monroe Valley, Lebanon County, where Judge Ehrgood's father, Judge Allen W. Ehrgood, was born and reared. The latter served as Judge of Lebanon County from 1895 to 1910. Judge Ehrgood was Chairman of the Republican County Committee of Lebanon County from 1928 to 1941, and was a delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1940 and 1944. He is a member of the Salem Lutheran Church, Lebanon, Pa. He belongs to the following organizations: Psi Upsilon Fraternity, B.P.O. Elks, P.O.S. of A., Mt. Lebanon Lodge No. 226, F. & A.M. Mohegan Lodge No. 288, I.O.O.F., Sons of American Revolution, Isaac Walton League, Lebanon County Chamber of Commerce, Lebanon Country Club, Steitz Club, Union League of P{Philadelphia, Pa. Bar Association, American Bar Association, Pa. Council of Juvenile Court Judges, American Institute of Banking. He is vice-president and Director of The First National Bank of Lebanon, Pa.; Director of Annville Mutual Fire Insurance Company; Director of the Community Chest; President, Board of Trustees of the Y.M.C.A; Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Boy Scouts; Director of the American Red Cross. He was a member of World War II Loan Drives and is now Coordinator for Civil Defense of Lebanon County. Judge Ehrgood's family and social background, his legal experience and civic activities qualify him to serve the people of Lebanon County as Judge for a second term. [Political advertisement, Lebanon Daily News]
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