Rash's Surname Index
Notes for Sherwood KENNEDY
Revolutionary War Vetran*
Sherwood a son of John and Sarah Cannaday come to Guilford co NC with his family in 1777. While a resident of Guilford Co in Nov. 1778, he enlisted in the revolutionary War, serving as a private in Capt. Enoch Davis Company, Col. Lockes NC Regiment. He was engaged in the battle of Brier Creek under Col. Alexander Brevard.
Wile a Resident of Randolph co. he enlisted again in the fall of 1780 and served as an orderly sergeant in Capt. John Johnsons Company,Col. Colliers and Col Judithan Harpers NC Regiment.
Sherwood Married several times: 1) Sarah Coggins born Feb.24,1764, a dau of John Coggins. the couple had the following children.
William 1785 Marr. Sarah Jones
John 1786 Marr. Mary Daniel and?
Levinia 1792 Marr. Bazel Burton
Patience 1788 Marr Thomas Burton
Rebecca 1786 Marr John Burton
Sarah 1797 Marr. Benjamin Green
Ann Marr. Joseph Leonard
Aletha 1804 Marr. Jesse S Jones
Burell 1805 Marr. Elizabeth Veach, Rachel Charles
Elizabeth 1801 Marr. Wm Kennedy?
Sherwood Jr 1807 Marr. Mariam Hedgecock
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