Rash's Surname Index
Notes for Colgate Whitehead Jr. DARDEN
Colgate W. Darden Jr., a former Governor of Virginia and president of the University of Virginia, died yesterday at his home in Norfolk, Va. He was 84 years old.
A lawyer, farmer, teacher and businessman, Mr. Darden, a Democrat, was elected to four terms in the House of Representatives and two terms in the Virginia Legislature. He was also a member of the United States delegation to the United Nations in the Eisenhower Administration.
In his later years he was regarded as an elder statesman in Virginia politics, and on May 30 made a nominating speech for Lieut. Gov. Charles Robb of Virginia at a state Democratic Party convention in Virginia Beach. He urged the party to fight the Republicans ''to bring together our party's disparate elements.''
After serving as Governor from 1942 to 1946, he became chancellor of the College of William and Mary. In 1947, he became president of the University of Virginia.
In the 1950's Mr. Darden spoke in favor of segregation. But in 1956, when Gov. Thomas B. Stanley proposed a plan to withhold state funds from localities that permitted the mixing of black and white students, he advocated moderation rather than ''violence or defiance.''
Colgate W. Darden Jr. was born on a farm in Southampton County, Va., on Feb. 11, 1897. In 1916, he entered the American Ambulance Corps with the 32d French infantry, then returned to the United States and served in a Marine Corps aviation unit.
He graduated from the University of Virginia in 1922, received a master's degree and a law degree from Columbia University and went to Oxford University on a Carnegie Scholarship.
Mr. Darden is survived by his wife, the former Constance S. du Pont; a son, Colgate W. Darden 3d, who teaches physics at the University of South Carolina; a daughter, Irene Field, the wife of a diplomat based in Korea; a brother, J. Pretlon Darden, and a sister, Katherine Lindsay, both of Norfolk, and six grandchildren.
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