Rash's Surname Index
Notes for George Albert THOMAS
The life of George Albert Thomas began in Davis [sic] county, Indiana, May 15, 1850. His father was Solomon Thomas who was born in Kentucky. His mother was Eliza Ann Hawkins Thomas, a native of Indiana.
Mr. Thomas was the tenth of a family of thirteen children. He came to Iowa with his parents in 1856, when they moved westward in a covered wagon, with horses, cattle and equipment, to set up their new home near Cass Center, in Jones county. On December 24, 1872, he was married to Emily Fisher, and together they established their new home in west Cass township. In 1883 they moved to North Dakota, returning to Cass township in 1888. In 1901 they came to the present home in Fairview township, where they have lived 31 years.
As a boy, Mr. Thomas attended the Cass Center church, later he was a member of, and an active worker in, the old Hickory Grove M.E. church, where he was superintendnet [sic] of the Sunday school for many years and, before the day when musical instruments were used, led the singing of the church services. After the family moved to Fairview township he was for a time a member of the Methodist Episcopal church of Anamosa but later transferred his membership to the Forest Chapel U.B. church, where it remained to the time of his death. He was always intereted in community welfare, and at various times participated in local political affairs, and held public office.
Quiet, modest and unassuming, he was a most kind, considerate and loving husband and father. Generously and unsparingly he gave of his means, his time and his efforts, to his family and to any worthy cause. Always industrious and conscientious he worked untiringly and ended his years worn by the activities of a long and useful life. He died Friday, January 1, 1932. His age was 81 years, 7 months and 17 days.
He is survived by his wife, with thom he had just completed 59 years of happy married life, two daughters, Mrs. Lillie Muzzy [Muzzey] of Waterloo, Iowa, and Mrs. Howard Wallace of Anamosa, one son, Rollin George Thomas of LaFayette, Indiana, and nine grandchildren. Also by two brothers, James R. of Osmund, Nebr., and Clarence A. of Mohall, N. Dak., and one sister, Mrs. Lillie Ricker of Redlands, California.
The funeral services were held Sunday, January 3, at Forest Chapel. Interment was in the Forest chapel cemetery.
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