Rash's Surname Index
Notes for George Washington STRAWBRIDGE
Widely-known Specialist Donated Professional Services Liberally to Needy
Former U. of P. Professor Maintained Ear and Eye Dispensary at Own Expense.
After an illness of several months from kidney trouble, Dr. George Strawbridge, one of the most widely known eye and ear specialists in the country, who for years gave a large part of his time and professional services to charity work, died at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, at his home, on Wissahickon avenue, below Westview avenue, Germantown. He was in his 71st year.
Dr. Strawbridge, who had his offices at 202 South Fifteenth street, was born in this city, October 18, 1844, the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Strawbridge. He was edgucated in the Germantown Academy, and in 1863 was given a degree of A. M. by University of Pennsylvania. He then began his study of medicine and was graduated as a physician in 1866. Not content with the education he had gained in medicine in this country, and desired to specialize upon the eye, upon which later he became a reconized authority, Dr. Strawbridge attended first, the University of Berlin, and then the University of Vienna, taking post graduate degrees from both these institutions.
It was in 1875 that he established at Thirteenth and Chestnut street the eye and ear Dispensary, one of the first of its kind in this city. And from the time it was instituted until illness cut off his activities a few months ago, Dr. Strawbridge not only maintained the dispensary at his own expense, but gave a part of his time each day to treating poor persons there, who could not afford to go elsewhere.
At one time Dr. Strawbridge was professor of of Otology, at the University of Pennsylvania, and later became ophthalmologist to the Presbyterian Hospital. Until the time of his death he remained consulting ophthalmologist to that institution.
Forty-one years ago Dr. Strawbridge married Alice Welsh, daughter of John Welsh, a former minister to England. He is survived by his widow and by there four children, John and Welsh Strawbridge, stockbrokers; Miss Anne West Strawbridge, who lives at the Germantown home and Mrs Mary Lowber Sailer, wife of Dr. Joseph Sailer.
All but Mrs Sailer were present when Dr. Strawbridge died. She was in Maine, but was immediately notified and started for this city.
Dr Strawbridge was a member of the Union League, the American Opthalmological Association and the Philadelphia County Medical Society. In addition to his other work, he frequently contributed to medical magazines on questions of the eye and ear.
The funeral probably will be held tomorrow afternoon, from the Germantown home. Services also will be conducted at Whitemarsh P.E. Church, and interment will be made in the burying grounds adjoining the Church.
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