Rash's Surname Index

Notes for Elizabeth WORSHAM

Married 1. William Worsham and was mother of John, Charles, Mary and Elizabeth; m. 2, Lt. Col. Francis Eppes; d. 1678. Two wills made by her are recorded in Henrico, proved Oct 1678. The first, dated July 28, 1678, and describing her as "Elizabeth Epes, of Bermuda Hundred, wido," makes the following bequests:

To Daughter Elizabeth Kennon, a stone ring, her black gown, green silk petticoat, green satin bodie, and one-fourth of her money in the hands of Samuel Claphamson (of London);

To her grandchild Mary Kennon (who m. Maj. John Bolling of Cobbs), a stone ring "given me by my sister King;"

To her daughter Mary Worsham, one-fourth of her money, certain personal property and wearing apparel, and her thumb ring;

To her daughter Mary Eppes, a "new suite which came in this year;"

To son John Worhsam, one-fourth of her money and her silver tobacco box;

To son Charles Worsham, one-fourth of her money and certain other personal property.

The remainder of her estate to her husband, Eppes's children. Makes her son-in-law Richard Kennon, executor.

The second will, dated Sep 23, 1678, describes her as widow of Col. Francis Eppes, of Henrico, deceased, ratifys all her gifts to her children by her former husband, Wm. Worsham, deceased. What estate was given to her by the verbal will of her husband Col. Francis Eppes, she wishes to be divided equally between the children she had by said Eppes, viz: William, Littlebury, and Mary, when they come of age. Appoints her step son Francis Eppes, and her son-in-law-Richard Kennon executors. The account of Francis Eppes as her executor is recorded in Henrico. [FTM CD162 Family History: Virginia Genealogies #1, Genealogies of Virginia Families I I, Cl-Fi, The Eppes Famiy, p. 711]

The account of Francis Epps, her executor is recorded in Henrico, and shows she was buried in the highest colonial style. The account gives the following items: to Doctors Cogan and Spears, 1000 lbs of tobacco each; to Dr. Irby 300 lbs tobacco; to Mr. John Ball, minister, 300 lbs tobacco for her funeral; 10 lbs butter@@ 50 lbs tobacco, 2 ginger, 2 gallons brandy@@ 70 lbs tobacco; half pound pepper and half pound ginger@@ 9 lbs tobacco, 5 gallons wine @@ 150 lbs. tobacco, 8 lbs sugar @@ 32 lbs tobacco, one steer @@ 600 lbs tobacco, 3 large weathers @@ 450 lbs tobacco.


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