Rash's Surname Index

Notes for Thomas LINCOLN

THOMAS LINCOLN, of Elizabethtown, Hardin Co., Ky., b. 20th Jan. 1780, in Rockingham Co., Va.; d. 17th Jan. 1851. Removed in 1816 to Gentryville, Spencer Co., Ind., and located near Little Pigeon Creek. In 1830, he removed to Sangamon Co., Ill. Was appointed Road Surveyor from Nolin to Bardstown, in 1816. In 1823, he became a member of the Baptist church. Of an estate of two thousand acres of land which his father left, it is said his half-brothers secured all, leaving him a penniless orphan not yet five years old. m. (firstly) 12th June, 1806, at the home of Richard BERRY, near Beechland, Washington Co., Va., by Rev. Jesse HEAD, a Methodist minister, to Nancy HANKS, d. 5th Oct. 1818, dau. of Joseph and Nancy (SHIPLEY) HANKS, descended from Benjamin HANKS, who settled in Plymouth, Mass., 1669, and one of whose sons, William, moved to Amelia Co., Va., and owned nearly one thousand acres of land; m. (secondly) 2d Sept. 1819, Sarah Bush JOHNSON, a widow, whom he had known as a girl in Kentucky. She d. s. p., in Charlcston, Ill., in 1869, in the home provided for her by Abraham LINCOLN.

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