Rash's Surname Index

Notes for Abraham LINCOLN

CAPT. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, b. 16th July, 1739, in Pennsylvania. Went to Virginia before 1775. Was a Captain in the Virginia Militia during the Revolutionary War. Near the close of the war he sold his Virginia plantation and it is said he went to Kentucky, where, with Daniel BOONE, he purchased four hundred acres on Long Green River, in Jefferson County, eight hundred acres on Green River, near Green River Line, and five hundred acres in Campbell County. He lived, according to tradition, at Hughes Station on Floyd Creek, Jefferson County, and was killed near his home in 1784 by Indians. m. (firstly) Mary SHIPLEY, dau. of Robert and Rachel SHIPLEY, of Lunenburg Co., Va., whose dau., Nancy SHIPLEY, m. Joseph HANKS. Their dau. Nancy was the mother of Abraham LINCOLN. m. (secondly) Bathsheba HERRING, dau. of Leonard HERRING, of Heronford, Rockingham Co., Va.

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