Rash's Surname Index
Notes for Elizabeth SUGAR
DAWSON, ELIZABETH. Widow of William Dawson. February 14, 1820. February 12, 1821. 7.255. Legacies to my brother: Thomas Sugar. Nephew: John Sugar. Niece Elizabeth Yarnall. Granddaughter: Anne Dawson. Grandson: Mordecai Lewis Dawson. Elizabeth Dawson Harrison, daughter of Robert
and Ruth Harrison. Daughter: Rachel Wilson and to her daughter Hannah Lewis Wilson, granddaughter of Hannah Lewis. To Monthly Meeting of Friends, Middle District. To Contributors of Penna. Hospital. Elizabeth Marrison (say Morrison). William Dawson Rowland son of Samuel and Sarah Rowland. William Dawson Sugar, son of John Sugar. Mary Horner. Niece: Rebecca Dawson. William Dawson Lewis son of Reeve Lewis. Son: Thomas Rogers. Mary Hail and Elizabeth Hail. Jane Worrell and Elizabeth
Worrell. Rachel Gardiner, formerly Bonnet Maker. Ann Butler. Hannah Harvy. All residue to my grandchildren: Ann Dawson, Mordicai Lewis Dawson. Nephew: William Morrison. Exec: Joseph S. Lewis, William Morrison. Codicil: Should brother Thomas Sugar die before me. To his grandchildren: William Dawson Sugar, Thomas Sugar, Sarah Sugar, Nathan Sugar. John Folly, formerly an indented servant of ours and now Baker at the Hospital. Witnesses: James Wills, Senr., James Wills, Jr.
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