Rash's Surname Index
Notes for Thomas WYNNE
Thomas Wynne, only surviving son of Thomas and Mary (Warner) Wynne, born in Blockley, Philadelphia, January 21, 1733-4, inherited the "Wynnestay", the family homestead in Blockley, under his father's will, and lived thereon until his death in 1782. He was commissioned a lieutenant in the Flying Camp, August 27, 1776, and took part in the battles of Long Island and Fort Washington, and was taken prisoner at the fall of Fort Washington, November 16, 1776, and suffered imprisonment in the loathsome warehouses in New York City, and the prison ships in the harbor for over four years, not being exchanged until January 2, 1781. To the hardships endured during his imprisonment was due his early death eighteen months after his exchange at the age of forty-eight years. While he was a prisoner of war, December 11, 1777, a foraging party of British soldiers attacked "Wynnestay", his Blockley home, but it was bravely defended by his wife and servants until the marauders were driven away by a detachment of Pennsylvania Militia, from General Potter's command.
Thomas Wynne married, January 27, 1757, Margaret Coulton, who survived him and married (second) Samuel Claphamson. Letters of administration on the estate of Thomas Wynne were granted, October 5, 1782, to his stepfather, James Jones, and his cousin, Isaac Warner. He left two children, Thomas and Phoebe, the latter, the wife of John Adams, a snuff maker, to whom her father had conveyed in 1776 fifteen acres of the homestead in Blockley, and on which Adams erected a snuff factory. The mansion house of "Wynnestay" with the greater part of the land passed to Thomas Wynne, the son, through partition in the Orphans' Court, twenty-two acres additional being added to the Adams tract as Phoebe's portion.
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