Rash's Surname Index

Notes for Willis Pope HAZARD

HAZARD, Willis Pope, publisher, was born in Huntsville, Ala., July 22, 1825; son of Samuel and Abbie Clark (Hatfield) Hazard. He matriculated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1839 and left at the close of his freshman year to engage in business as a publisher and bookseller with his father. He was a member and vice-president of the Academy of natural sciences, West Chester, Pennsylvania.; honorary member of the Philosophical society; and vice-president of the State Dairymen's association. He edited the Guernsey Breeders' Journal, and having made several journeys to the Channel Islands and imported a number of fine animals, he made many contributions to the agricultural periodicals, lectured often before the farmers' institutes and clubs, and gave the results of his studies of the different breeds in their native homes. He was appointed by Governor Hartraft of Pennsylvania a member of the state commission, to report on the value of the Guenon system for selecting stock so as to raise only the best, and he made a report of which the state printed 40,000 copies and the demand still continuing, he enlarged his report into a volume which continued to have steady sale as the standard work on the subject of improving herds. He is the author of: Butter and Butter Making (1877); Annals of Philadelphia (1879); How to Select Cows (1880); The Jersey, Guernsey and Alderney Cow and many contributions to the state agricultural reports.

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