Rash's Surname Index
Notes for William PENNELL
Test. Vol. XVii. Folio 797.
Wyllm Pennelle, Prissche de Bauderstone. Maij 13.
In the Name of God Amen The 21 daye of Januarie in the year of our Lord God 1567 I William Penelle of Bauderstone in the Countie of Notts husbandman beynge of wholl mynd and perfecte remembrance Doe constitute ordeyne and mak this my last Will and Testament in maner and forme followynge . . . my soall to God Almightie and my Bodie to be buried within the Churche yearde of Bauderstone aforesayd I gyve and bequeth to the poore mans box iiijd I gyve and quethe to Grace Pennell my dowghter one messuage with one Oxegange and a half of lande with the appurt'es lyenge in Bestroppe and Scharle Item I gyve and bequeth to the said Grace one Meace with one Oxegange of Land in Scearle with the appurt'es to hir and the heires of her bodie lawfully begotten for ever and for the defaulte of suche Heires all suche . . . lawfully to remaine to the next of her Qynne Item I gyve and bequethe to Alice my wyfe all suche household stuffe as shee did bring with hir at the Daie of my mariage excepting 2 new platters and 2 old Item I gyv and quethe to eny one of my wyffes children one Sheipe hogge Item I gyve and quethe to John Pennell my brother one peone and my chief coote. Item I gyv and queth to Cicilia Lyntam I Strike of Mault Item to John Lyntam I Doublet of Suckskyn Item to Xfr Heares wyff to James Hastlines wyf James Barrows wiff and John Browners each one I kipe of male To Isabell Lyntam I Schiepe hogge To Robert Pennall my Kinsman I flect heffer I ewe with hir lambe the beste that hee will chosse at May daie next and my best Jacket Item I gyv to Grace Pennell my Dowter alle suche household stuffe as ware myne before marred my wife that now is Item I gyv to Alice my wyfe alle suche Stuffe as shee broughte with hir at the daie of hir Marrige I will that Alice my wyfe and Grace Pennall my Dafter have occupie and enjoie together alle my (?) premises that they shall dwell together in unity until Michaelmas next and they bothe together to buyden and keepe house one Kilmo house with one chamber beinge at equal chargis for the same as specified then I giv and quethe the resideu of my geares in my brasse to Alice my wyfe Whereas I have borrowed of John Warde of Scearle the goings sum or L4 I wille that G. P. paye or cause to be payd The rest of my dettes payde my legacies discharged & my funerall expenses maid aboute my buriall I giv and quethe to Alice Pennell my wyf and Grace Pennell my Dorter whom I ordeyn x my x and trew Executors in performance and fulfilling of this my last Will & Testament.
Recordes Wm Pulleam Clerk
George Richmer (?)
Robert Spayforthe
& Richard Nepe with other men.
Probated 1568, May 13th.
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