Rash's Surname Index
Notes for Michael BLUNSTON
Blunston, Michael. Darby, yeoman. December 22, 1731. Codicil: 4/24/1734. April 1736. B.1. Directs the sale of all real estate and provides for wife Phebe. To Samuel Bunting £80 to entertain honest friends and to Sarah his wife £10 and to Elizabeth daughter of brother in law Thomas Bradshaw £10. To friends John Salkeld and Agnes his wife £5. To brother Saml. Blunstons sons of Kirkhallum in Darbyshire, viz Michael and Samuel £6 each. To Samuel Garrett and John Davis for Monthly Meeting in Darby £10. To Sarah and Rebecca daughters of my cousin Sarah Fearn of Darby deceased and Elizabeth Hibberd granddaughter of said cousin £50 to be divided. To my cousin Katherine Rhoads and her 4 daughters Hannah, Sarah, Elizabeth and Mary £50 to be divided. To Sarah daughter of cousin John Blunston deceased £20. To Hannah daughter of John Blunston £20. To Wm. Levis and Elizabeth his sister children of my brother in law Saml. Levis £10. To Sarah daughter of brother in law Thos. Bradshaw deceased £5. To Elizabeth Bradshaw £30 and furniture which belonged to my former wife her aunt. To Rebecca widow of Isaac Minshall deceased £5. To cousin Saml. Blunston of Conestoga in Lan Co., one pistol. To grandchildren of brother Wm. Blunston deceased the children of his son Wm., deceased one guinea to be divided. To Joseph and Samuel sons of cousin Catherine Rhoads 40 shillings to be divided. To cousin Josiah Fearn 20 shillings. To cousin Adam Rhoads £10. Executors: cousins Saml. Levis Jr and Saml. Bunting. Codicil gives the int of £50 yearly towards a school, for educating children of Port Friends, also mentions that cousin Katherine Rhoads is deceased and gives her legacy to her son John Rhoads and Elizabeth Hinde, widow, also give £5 to John Hind son of said Elizabeth. Samuel Garrett, Jacob Bonsell and Samuel Seller Jr., trustees of money for schooling.
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