Rash's Surname Index

Notes for John Archer GEE

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Born. To John Steinbeck, 42, author, and Gwyn Conger Steinbeck, 28, his second wife: their first child, a son; in Manhattan. Name: Thom. Weight: 6 lbs. 10 oz.
Died. John Archer Gee, 50, vast and vigorous Yale professor of English com position; after long illness; in New Haven. A masterful lecturer on the comma (or any other article of punctuation), an in trepid Maine Coast power boatman, he was perhaps the greatest tennis player of his weight (well beyond 200 lbs.) in the U.S. He observed: "I have to hit them hard. If they come back, I can't get to them." His advice to the young: "Not many of us can be Davy Crocketts, but some, perchance, may hope to fill the niche of Millard Fillmore."


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