Rash's Surname Index
Notes for James TRIMBLE
County of Antrim, Ireland, arrived in Pennsylvania in company with his brothers,
William, Hugh, and perhaps John, and resided in the vicinity of Concord
township. He was admitted into membership at Concord Meeting, 3, 5, 1735,
and m. 10, 3, 1735, at that place, Mary Palmer, dau. of John and Mary Palmer
of Concord. His brother William was married 9, 13, 1734, to Ann Palmer, dau.
of the same parents, and settled in Concord. James and Mary settled in West
Bradford township, near the west branch of Brandywine, in 1738, and had
children, Mary, m. Joseph Downing; John, died young; James, m. Mary Sellers;
Ann, m. Abiah Taylor; Sarah, m. Abraham Taylor; Isaac, m. Elizabeth Walter;
Hannah, m. John Faddis. An interesting genealogy of the Palmer and Trimble
Families was published in 1875, by Lewis Palmer, of Concordville, Pa.
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