Rash's Surname Index

Husband: Robert Buckner BOLLING
Born: 28 MAR 1805 at: "West Hill", Petersburg, Virginia Married: 29 NOV 1831 at: Virginia Died: 28 JUN 1881 at: Staunton, Virginia Father:Robert IV BOLLING Mother:Anne Dade STITH Other Spouses:
Wife: Sarah Melville MINGE
Born: 10 SEP 1813 at: Charles City Co., Virginia Died: 20 JUL 1854 at: Petersburg, Viginia Father:John MINGE Mother:Sarah Short STEWART Other Spouses:
Name: Robert BOLLING Born: 11 DEC 1832 at: "Sandy Point", Charles City, Virginia Married: 5 JUN 1866 at: New York Died: 12 MAR 1901 at: Chesnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. Spouses: Leontine Caroline Helene HAGERDORN NOTES

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